Modular plastic cover - a material for universal use

Modular plastic cover - a material for universal use

The modern world is replete with an abundance of various building materials. Traditionally, there are cement, concrete, wood, metals, etc. However, at the head of this list is plastic - a universal material from which millions of everyday items are made. Plastic has become wildly popular; due to this, you can feel it under your feet as a floor covering.
What does the “modular” means?
The covering is called modular since it folds like a puzzle. Its elements can be of any shape and size. However, most often the modules are square because they are easier to install without gaps. Each tile is equipped with a T-lock, thanks to which one element is attached to another.
This gives the plastic modular coating an advantage over other finishing materials: due to this design, there are no gaps between the modules and no construction experience and special skills are needed to assemble them.
Spheres of use
Plastic flooring deservedly bears the name of universal finishing material, since it will be appropriate both in open spaces and indoors.
Plastics are widely used in the design of:
private yards, summer cottages;
production and storage facilities;
parking lots;
sports complexes;
swimming pools.
Modular tiles are often installed in open areas because of the following properties:
 resistance to high and low temperatures;
 water tightness;
 lack of specific care.
This finishing material is an economical alternative to concrete or wood floors. Besides, the tile will show its safety when installed in sports complexes, swimming pools, or playgrounds.
Due to the wear resistance of this material, it is also used in places of heavy stress. These include garages, warehouses, and manufacturing facilities.
The modular coating finds its use in the rooms mentioned above, but this does not mean that plastic is not suitable for finishing the floor of a house or apartment. The abundance of plastic tiles allows you to choose not only high-quality but also fascinating material that will spice up the abode decor. The plastic coating for the floor in houses and apartments is identical to that used in public and industrial premises, but thinner since at home, there is no such passability of people and there are fewer opportunities to spoil the coating with mechanical damage. Accordingly, they will be slightly cheaper.
Due to the simplicity and speed of installation and dismantling of the floor covering, it is possible to cover any area quickly and efficiently. If necessary, it is easy to disassemble the covering again and assemble it in another place. Another undeniable advantage of this type of coating is that any broken part can be replaced without having to dismantle the entire structure.